Welcome to the SF/Fantasy Writing Guide blog. I'm the editor of a variety of writing books coming from Dragon Moon Press and I will be here to describe what you can find in them, happenings regarding them, as well as writing in general.
Over the last few years DMP has been publishing a series of writing guides on Fantasy, "The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy". I'm pleased to announce that the first volume of a similar series for SF, "The Complete Guide to Writing SF" is coming out August 2007. I will specifically commenting about this guide over the next weeks until its release. As a bit of a teaser:
What do Piers Anthony, Orson Scott Card and others have to say about writing SF that hasn't been written before? … Actually, quite a lot…
Interested? Stay tuned…
However, more about the Complete SF guide will have to wait until next time. Right now, I just wanted to announce our open call for the next writing guides DMP will be putting out.
Dragon Moon Press is planning a second volume in their "Complete Guide to Writing SF" series. The theme of this guide is a 'reference guide to writing SF', with the emphasis on 'science'. We are looking for chapters that help writers create more believable and realistic science within their stories, and advanced writing topics along those lines. Possible chapters could include such topics as the science behind world-building, future technologies in specific areas, life on spaceship, etc. Chapter proposals should briefly outline what you plan to cover in the chapter, why you think such a chapter should be included in the guide and a bio of yourself. Multi-proposals are fine, though chapters will be limited to one or two per author. Chapters should be about 4 to 12 thousand words long. Preference will be given to previously published authors, however, other talented writers will be considered. The deadline for chapter proposals is April 30, 2007. Proposals can be emailed to: davealaw@shaw.ca with the subject header of "SF Guide Proposal".
Dragon Moon Press is planning a series of topic-specific guides within the Fantasy genre. The first guide in the Element of Fantasy Writing series is on Magic. As such, we are accepting proposals for chapters on any aspect of magic that might interest other writers. Proposals should briefly outline what you plan to cover in the chapter, why you think such a chapter should be included in the guide and bio of yourself. Multi-proposals are fine, though chapters will be limited to one or two per author. Chapters should be about 4 to 10 thousand words long. Preference will be given to previously published authors, however, other talented writers will be considered. The deadline for chapter proposals is March 31, 2007. Expected release date is fall 2008. Proposals can be emailed to: davealaw@shaw.ca with the subject header of "Fantasy Guide Proposal".